In its 6th edition MINA will present a public screening of smartphone, mobile and pocket films at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia in conjunction with the MINA symposium. Further screening with MINA’s international partner festivals will be announced online (
The #MINA2016 International Mobile Innovation Screening will showcase short films (7 min maximum duration) produced on and with smartphones, mobile and pocket cameras. In addition this year will introduce Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Drone, Social Media and New Media productions as part of the screening program.
Selected works from the #MINA2016 International Mobile Innovation Screening will be featured in the MINA DVD, eBook and MINA’s international partner festivals.
With the rise of smartphones and the proliferation of apps, the ways creative professionals and everyday media users represent the world around us in digital media is constantly changing. From MoJo (mobile journalism) to networked, cross-media productions and transmedia storytelling mobile media provides new ways to see the world. Current developments in Virtual Reality (VR), Drone videos and Augmented Reality (AR) change the viewpoints of representation.
#MINA2016 will present an overview of these developments in the context of experimental film, video and moving-image productions. Videos can include project showcases and project documentation (maximum duration 4 min.), narrative, non-narrative explorations and abstract filmmaking.
Deadline for submission: 1 June 2016
Submission link:
Please note $15 standard administration fee ($10 student) per film submission. Films will be double blind peer-reviewed by MINA Screening committee.
For further assistance regarding submission enquiries, please contact Dr. Max Schleser [], Dean Keep [], Dr. Patrick Kelly [], Dr. Stefano Odorico [] or Gerda Cammaer [].