Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy Journal

Special Issue: Mobile and Smartphone Filmmaking – Past, Present & Future

MINA, the Mobile Innovation Network & Association, is calling for mobile and smartphone films for the fifth iteration of the fully peer-reviewed journal, Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy.

Sightlines Journal is an audio-visual publication designed to showcase films made in a research context within the higher education sector.  The filmmakers are usually academics or HDR students, often but not always based in the screen production discipline.

Sightlines Journal invites those who presented at the Mobile Studies Congress at the University of Nottingham Ningbo in China (9-11 December 2022) or screened a mobile or smartphone film previously at MINA’s International Mobile Innovation Screenings (2011-2022) or in another public forum to submit their project for consideration. This special issue will feature ten mobile and smartphone films that interrogate different aspects of Creative Arts research, which will be published on the Sightlines website.

MINA is the longest-running film festival in the Southern Hemisphere dedicated to mobile and smartphone filmmaking. As a networking project, MINA creates connections between filmmakers, communities and the creative industries internationally.


Last year, MINA celebrated its 10th edition. Since 2011 mobile filmmaking continues to evolve and expand into new forms and formats, from smartphone feature films to short mobile videos on social networking platforms. This special issue will map out these transformations with a focus on creative innovation in mobile media and screen production.

All submissions will be double peer-reviewed, and as per the journal’s ethos of debate and discourse building, these peer-reviews will be published alongside accepted works.

For mobile and smartphone films that screened prior to this publication, we also offer the opportunity to publish a peer-reviewed article (2000-5000 words) alongside the mobile or smartphone films to contextualise and/or analyse the developments in the field. With a focus on Creative Practice Research, the accompanying article could explore the mobile or smartphone films in terms of their specific value and contributions to this research area or screen production more generally.

This call is open to an interdisciplinary approach and research films can relate to, but do not need to be limited to, aesthetics of mobile media and questions concerning technology, the perception of smartphone films in the industry or academy, broader questions of democratisation and participation, or the significance of mobile media and smartphone filmmaking in the times of global disruption.

Submission guidelines:

Please submit a preview copy via link to an online version of the work with a 500-word research statement that covers the work’s research background, contribution and significance. Please list the title of the work, author attribution/s, year of completion and duration (if linear) at the head of your statement.

For more detail, please refer to the journal’s peer-review guidelines. See the link below.

Submission and enquiries via email (Max*at*


All works are to be submitted by 1st November 2022, with a view to the issue being published in April 2023.


Sightlines peer-review guidelines:

Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy Issue 3: Peer-Review Guidelines

Mobile Studies Congress

