[ MINA ] call for Mobile Films & […
Call for Mobile Films:
International Mobile Innovation Screening 2011
23rd – 26th November 2011
Film Archive, Wellington, New Zealand
The International Mobile Innovation Screening 2011 will showcase films produced on, for and with mobile devices by international filmmakers such as Dario Apostoli (Italy), Camille Baker (Canada/U.K.), Bebe Beard (U.S.A.), Felipe Cardona (Columbia), Louise Botkay Courcier (Brazil), Ayran Kaganof (South Africa), Adam Kossoff (U.K.), Anne Massoni (U.S.A.), Sylvie Prasad (U.K.) and Anders Weberg (Sweden) amongst others. In addition MINA will feature selected screenings from Mobilefest (Brazil), Mobile Screenfest International (Australia) and Ohrenblick (Germany). The program is curated by the Mobile Innovation Network Aotearoa [MINA], which aims to explore the possibilities of interaction between people, content and the emerging mobile industry.
Deadline for submission of Mobile Films: 30th September 2011
Please send proposals of approximately 250 words including the mobile film title, two still images, link to online preview (if available) and a brief biographical note to max@mina.pro
Contact Max Schleser for further assistance regarding submission enquiries relating to mobile films
[email: max@mina.pro | mobile: +64 [0] 22 692 0872].
Work can be sent in digital format, via post or courier:
Dr. Max Schleser, c/o MINA, Institute of Communication Design, Po Box 756, Wellington, New Zealand
Call for Papers:
[ MINA ] Symposium
26th November 2011
Film Archive, Wellington, NZ
As part of the International Mobile Innovation Screening, the [ MINA ] symposium will also take place on the 26th November 2011 in the Film Archive in Wellington.
The symposium will provide a platform for filmmakers, artists, researchers, ‘pro-d-users’ and industry professionals to debate the prospect of wireless, mobile and ubiquitous technologies in art and design practice and the creative industries. [ MINA ] invites paper proposals relating to mobile technologies.
Mobile aesthetics entered the mediascape from 2004 onwards and illustrate innovation in the creative application of wireless, mobile and ubiquitous technologies. Within the last decade mobile video technology developed from a low-res 3gp video format to HD video and simultaneously embraces the shift towards web 2.0/3.0. In 2006 mobile phones outnumbered the volume of film and digital cameras combined, whilst industry research forecasts a continuous development and innovation in the area of mobile technologies. Yet no industry standards for production and consumption of the new emerging video format have been established. Concurrently a proliferation of creative mobile media practices surfaced within the field of documentary filmmaking, art and design practice.
Paper proposals should be submitted by the 30th September 2011. Please send a proposal of approximately 250 words with a title and brief biographical note to max@mina.pro