Project CONNECT Documentary Challenge
Using multiple technology platforms, Project CONNECT is a collective transmedia story that engages with the theme of human connection through creativity, co-creation and public participation. Project CONNECT Documentary Challenge participants were asked to creatively document the launch of Project CONNECT on 27 August 2011 in an original way, using any media and any style to highlight the theme of connection.
The winner of the Project CONNECT Documentary Challenge will be announced on the night.
Special thanks to Big VOICE, our hosts at Biz Dojo
Event Details:
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Thursday 13 October, 2011
Level 2, Ironbank Building
150 Karangahape Road, Auckland.
Entry by koha
Register here: http://transmediapm3.eventbrite.com/
The Project CONNECT Documentary Challenge was organised by Transmedia
NZ (www.transmedianzorg) in collaboration with MINA (www.mina.pro) and in
association with Big VOICE (www.bigvoice.tv), producers of Project CONNECT.
For more information and to take part in Project CONNECT visit: