2nd Mobile Creativity and Mobile Innovation Symposium
The Mobile Innovation Network Aotearoa [MINA] creates interactions between people, content and the creative industries.
In its second edition the Mobile Creativity and Mobile Innovation Symposium provides a platform for filmmakers, artists, designers, researchers, ‘pro-d-users’ and industry professionals to debate the prospect of wireless, mobile and ubiquitous technologies in a changing art and design environment and the creative industries. The symposium will explore these developments and dynamics in a transdisciplinary context. As part of the program MINA also presents the International Mobile Innovation Screening 2012 at the New Zealand Film Archive in Wellington on Friday 23rd November at 6.30pm (RSVP: Max@mina.pro).
The Mobile Creativity and Innovation Symposium will take place on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th November 2012 including a keynote by Prof. Gerhard Goggin (University of Sydney). Please see www.mina.pro for conference program. On Sunday the 25th November the MINA events conclude with a unconference sessions (featuring the Mobile Art Lab and “eBook Production” using “iBooks Author” workshops).
Mobile phones have evolved rapidly from a communication device to a creative and educational tool. The current mediascape can be described as a dynamic ecosystem that has seen the emergence of new media aesthetics and formats, such as iPhoneography and mobile-mentary (mobile documentary) filmmaking. For communities world-wide mobile technologies provide access to a vast amount of new services. where is my ip . (Mobile phone) users (or rather pro-d-users), artists, designers, filmmakers and independent creatives can define new modes of mobile media practices transcending the realm of established disciplines and transforming the contemporary mediascape. The participatory turn in media culture (collaboration, co-creation and crowd-sourcing) creates new opportunities and challenges for visual communication design. Mobile devices enable us to see the world from new viewpoints and angles.
Saturday 24th November 2012
8.30 coffee & registration
9.00 am
Global mobile innovation
Ben Rabe, UX-designer & artist – The Distributed Artist
Miss Pixel – Isabelle Gagné, iPhoneographer & designer – Winter project: a mobile art work in a University hospital center
Tiago Franklin R. Lucena, PhD candidate, LART – Art and Technoscience Laboratory at Universidade de Brasília – The pathos of the city: mobile and sentient technologies in public health
10.15 am
Mobile 2.0: participation and interactivity
Simon Miles, School of Arts and Digital Industries at the University of East London and Dr. Ananda Breed, Theatre Studies at the University of East London – Co-authorship and interactivity in multi-cam mobile filmmaking
Richard Vickers, Lincoln School of Media University of Lincoln – Mobile Media, Participation Culture And The Digital Vernacular: 24-Hours.In & The Democratization Of Documentary
Assistant Prof., Wenceslao García, Professor, Miguel Corella, Professor Nuria Lloret, Polytechnic University of Valencia –Building inoperative communities through mobile web 2.0
11.30 am
Global mobile innovation II
Dan Wagner, Department of Performing and Screen Arts, Unitec – Mobile In Global Out – International Collaboration in Wireless Movie Making
Caridad Botella Lorenzo, Art/Film Critic & Author – What ever suits you and your people: customizing the use of mobile media
Prof. Liliane Leroux, Rio de Janeiro State University Anne Clinio, PhD candidate, Information Science (Ibict – UFRJ) –Aesthetic disruptions – mobile audiovisual experiences from urban slums and peripheries of Rio de Janeiro.
Lunch 12.30-2.00 pm
2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Mobile Filmmaking – Current trends and developments
Dr. Miriam Ross, Victoria University – Vertical Cinema: A New Regime?
, Universidad Externado De Colombia – Videoloop, a russian montage dream come true or a new editing form
Dr. Craig Hight, Screen and Media Studies, University of Waikato – Digital videography as coded practice: agency within software culture
Felipe Cardona, Universidad Externado De Colombia – Videoloop, a russian montage dream come true or a new editing form
After Noon Break 3.00 pm – 3.30 pm
3.30 pm -4.00 pm
Muhammad Razlan b Rashid Ali, Faculty of Communication and Media, UNISEL, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia – Mobile Journalism
Ahmad Shaharuddin Amin Sahar, Independent trainer and consultant, Malaysia – Mobile Learning
Roy Parkhurst, College of Creative Arts, Massey University – Phony Photographies: Ontological Aesthetics, Biopower, and the Mobile Phone Photojournalism Controversey
Keynote by Prof. Gerhard Goggin, University of Sydney
The Futures for Mobile Innovation: Platforms, Constraints, Visions, Opportunities’
5pm Reception
Sunday 25th November 2012
Mobile Media and social change
Ben Letzner, PhD Candidate Screen and Media Studies, University of Waikato – Mobile Phone Video & Social Activism Within the Media Ecology of New York City
Guy Ryan, filmmaker, designer & entrepreneur – Inspiring Stories
Gaby David, PhD Candidate, Laboratoire d’Histoire Visuelle Contemporaine, (LHIVIC) at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France – A comperative panorama: social networking and visual mobile applications
Associate Prof. Lynne Ciochetto, College of Creative Arts, Massey University – Globalisation, culture, class and mobile phones
Lunch 12:15 -1:15 pm
1:15 pm-2:30 pm
Global mobile communities
Anna Jackson (co-director of Transmedia NZ and PhD candidate PhD at the University of Auckland and The University of Melbourne) – “SHOOT ME NOW”: an international mobile live collaboration
Leith Pierce, Educator – Taking it to the Streets: An examination of flash mob phenomena
Dr. Max Schleser, Karen Curley, Tim Turnidge, College of Creative Arts, Massey University, Glocal Experiments in mobile filmmaking and networked mobile video distribution
Laurent Antonczak, AUT University & entrepreneur – HONO: Relflexions on the 1st Rangatahi mobile story-telling workshops
2:45 – 3:45
iPad/iPhone creativity
Sumit Vishwakarma, iPad Artist – iPad – the new Canvas for Artists
Simon Gray, Artist – Mobile Art Lab
Scott Symonds, Centre for Teaching & Learning Massey University – 21C to 700 B.C in a swipe: The Classics meet iPad
Stephen Atherton, Apple – Mobility and Educational Technology. What the future brings
3:15 – 4:45pm
MINA Workshops: Mobile Art Lab / “eBook Production” using “iBooks Author”
(Advanced registration essential due to limited capacity: Max@mina.pro)